Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gift Giving This Season Made Easy

Getting gifts for people during the holidays always seems to be a chore.  But it doesn't have to be...I love getting people something amazingly unique for the holidays, something that they hopefully won't expect, but is at least vaguely related to their interests as a whole.  This is probably no easier to accomplish then with the Gamer.  Gamer's are so easy to shop for, basically stick to anything nerdy as balls and you've got yourself a great gift idea.  The problem however usually revolves around the price tag.  Everyone knows your roommate/boyfriend/brother/dude would love a PS Vita or a new TV as a gift, but not everyone has a spare $300-$5000 just laying around under the sofa cushions.  Its easy to settle on something like a t-shirt that says "i'm here to suck dick and play Skyrim, and I'm all out of Skyrim," but its so lame to buy shirts for people these days.  So if you are like me and are trying to give memorable gifts on a budget, here are a few ideas to keep things unique, under budget, and undeniably cool.

Portable SNES/NES System:  

Find it Here


Alright, so this is still a little bit on the pricy side for a gift.  But talk about the ultimate combination of SNES games and not having to get off the toilet.  Its pretty much a slam dunk gift for anyone that still has NES or SNES games laying around and looking for a reason to pick em up again.  Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Earthbound, there are so many awesome games to be played whilst taking the mega-est of dumps that it would be almost unethical for you to abstain from buying this for them.  But okay, this is clearly a more of a "boyfried"/"brother"/Person you care about more than $30 type of gift.  So your looking for some cheap shit that isn't nearly as practical?  Lets see what I can find...

Skyrim Iphone Case:

Find it Here 


Another practical gift for you Mac savy friend who owns an Iphone (which seems to be just about everyone these days).  They have them in sizes for all of the versions of the 4 series and up and they are quite slick all things considered.  Its an easy buy, will get a chuckle from your buddy, and on top of that, you don't have to reuse the shout meme during the gift giving.  Fuck that game...its practically destroyed my life.

Mega Man Wall Decals:

Find it Here


Love your friend a little bit more than that?  Give him the gift that keeps on giving, with these sick as shit Mega Man wall decorations.  Turn your wall into any combination of awesomeness.  You can remove and re-apply to your hearts extent, and with quality care they should last about 2 years.  Keep them out of direct sunlight and make sure your friend knows who the fuck Mega Man is. 

Street Fighter II: The Board Game:

Find it Here

$ Vary since Ebay is the only place i know to find it (likely under $70) 

Your friend love fighting games?  Well if you can't afford to get him another fightstick, why not go the realm of the questionable?  Gamers love games of all types, so why not hit him with a flashkick of Milton Bradly proportions.  The Street Fighter 2 board game is old as shit ('94) and probably balls, but it'll get a laugh and a smile from anyone even remotely into Street Fighter.  Plus you can probably find it at a garage sale for nickels. 

Resident Evil Deck Building Game:

Find it Here

$30 - 40

Maybe your friend doesn't like board games, but card games instead.  Well if he is a Gamer, he'll love playing the Resident Evil Deck Building Game.  I can tell you from personal experience that this game is hella tight, and has tons of awesome combinations of playstyles.  If your a cheap ass you can just toss him the starting package with no promotional cards, and if your in bromance and loaded out your shithole you can buy him the 4 expansions and all of the foil promos until your practically bleeding RE.  If your interested in the other versions, check out the main page.

Action Figures:

Great place to start: this place has everything

$10 - all of the $'s

Very few Gamer's out there would deny an action figure or comparable toy based on their favorite video game characters.  You don't have to buy the 18" Snake figure, you can stick to the pose-able 2" keychains, as long as it's related to video games, its almost a guaranteed smile on the face of some fuck you'd rather beat to shit with a crowbar.  Use this opportunity to also consider patches, buttons, tongue studs, ear gauges, and just about any other stupid thing a person could have on them to represent how much of a douche they really are.


Find it Here...but prepare your body

$Worth it

Completely stumped? Have no interest in any of this stuff? Your friend own a Wii or Wii U? Then look no further than the Wii motion activated sex toy.  Yeah...this stuff is real, and it's really...well fuck...just look at it.  Talk about the game girl advanced.  This shit is just plain creepy, but fuck is it a hilarious (or extremely appropriate) gift for the Gamer in your life.
Well there you have it.  Seven perfect game related gift ideas that will be sure to either raise a few eyebrows, crack a few smiles, and hopefully not break the bank.  And of course if your looking to spend even less money than any of these gifts, you can kick your friend in the nuts or maliciously attack with with severed animal limbs...these options are not only free, they relieve undue stress.

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